Telnet is an option — but if you want to properly sit down at a computer in the middle of nowhere and properly update a few lines of code, Koding has been invaluable. (I actually used it to edit a lot of my services ‘live’ — not recommended, but, sometimes when needs must..!)
The multiple iterations of Koding have now made it into a seriously ideal online development environment. Here’s their overview:
Koding is an online development environment with the goal of simplifying worldwide development and providing free computation and development to everyone. It does this by offering Free VMs for development to anyone. The Koding VMs provide you with a real Ubuntu OS, with a real Terminal, and allow you to work on real code. Python, PHP, C++, C, it doesn’t matter. Even better, they are online. Accessible from anywhere in the world. Even sharable with teams.The sharing and collaboration looks utterly brilliant.
Right now they’re giving away an extra 1GB of storage (5GB free, in total) to every user. So if you’re a curious developer (I know there’s a lot reading), I strongly recommend having a look.
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